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Digital resources

Keep your child reading with these digital resources:

Destiny Discover: when your child is logged into the CCPS portal, they can access the KPS library card catalog, as well as Time4Kids and Britannica Elementary School. Scroll down and look for the tree that says "Destiny - Kemp Primary School." Click "log in" on the right and then the blue bar that says "your CCPS portal log in. 

Clayton County Public Library: Does your child have a digital library card? It can open a world of digital resources! Log in to the Clayton County Public Library site and request a card today! With that card, readers have access to thousands of e-books! Look for Open Ebooks, Tumble Books and E-read Kids. Resource
Kemp Primary students are eligible for FREE 24/7 online tutoring from™. Through this service, you can connect to an expert tutor for help with over 250 subjects. Students can use to get 1-on-1 support in a secure online classroom. If you're struggling with a concept or working on an e-learning assignment for your class, please access Login to Rapid Identity and look for the link.